Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Know-It-All

I am in a wonderfully good mood right now, despite the fact that I seem to have contracted Bronchitis this week. I have finished my computer homework (at least the parts I could do) that I feel like I have been working on for the past three days straight. And now I am free to read my book. The book I am reading now is called The Know-It-All by A.J. Jacobs, and it is hilarious. The concept of the book is that this man (A.J. Jacobs) has taken it upon himself to read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica in order to enhance his knowledge, and then he writes about the facts he reads about. The book is both entertaining and educational. I may just enjoy it because I am a bit of a dork, but I really like it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Expectations

In ten years I see myself with a career. Perhaps I will be an accountant, but most likely I will be working for some type of business. I would like to have a family. I am not sure at this time where I will live. Maybe my job will require me to travel often. I am fine with this. I enjoy traveling. This could prevent me from settling down and starting a family, though. At this point in my life I am fine with either option.
If I settle down someplace, I would be open to where that place would be. I might stay in Florida where my hometown is. I might live in the South Carolina or North Carolina area. I would even be comfortable with living in a different part of the country or even out of the country (I have a particular fondness for Scotland), depending on where my job opportunities take me. Unfortunately, my open-mindedness does not really help me pick a particular path to follow. But having multiple possibilities can only help me in my future.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Response to "The Machine is Us/ing Us"

What an interesting title! Just simply viewing the title without having seen the video gives the machine an impression of being dangerous. However, I do not get that impression from the video. I believe the purpose of the video is not only to give a warning of the large responsibility of the new digital age, but also to uncover some of the vast possibilities that develop in this new age. There are so many opportunities to express yourself through technology, so many mediums, and so many possible ways to connect to other people.
A person getting ready to enter the workforce will be expected to understand and be able to utilize the technology available. There are so many advantages to starting out in the workforce in this day and age. The internet can make many things more convenient. Those already in the workforce must adapt to the changes in technology. We must rethink everything because information is much more easily transferable now. Work can be more easily plagiarized, but at the same time, plagiarized work becomes more obvious. The question of ownership becomes difficult. Where are the lines of copyright drawn? And with everyone's information on the internet for everyone else to see, the idea of privacy goes out the window. Is this dangerous? The digital age is changing life for everyone in it.

Friday, January 9, 2009

About myself

My name is Rose Kinane. My major is Accounting. My hometown is Orlando, Florida, but I prefer the weather in South Carolina. I enjoy talking about the weather. I hope that doesn't mean I'm boring. I love traveling. If I could travel all over the world, I would. I also love coming home just as much as I love traveling.
I enjoy singing, reading, learning, and having new experiences. This year I want to learn how to cook. Oh, I love to eat. I might be a bit quirky, but I'm fine with that. My favorite TV show is The Office! My favorite movie at the moment is Love Actually. I am a Christian, and I love God. Music is one of my favorite things. Music can help me get through anything (even an extended essay). I would really like to have a chicken as a pet.
I have an easy going personality. I find people fascinating, and I enjoy meeting new people, although it does take some time for me to become close with anyone. I feel like that is myself in a nutshell. But, similar to an ogre, one cannot simply know me just from the outside layer. So, I encourage you to get to know me.