Monday, April 20, 2009


Technology has been helpful in creating this presentation. I think we take for granted how the internet affects our lives. Without it, many things would not be so easy to accomplish. Sending emails was a good way to let group members know what was going on with the group. Sending files on blackboard was helpful as well. We could share our files with each other, and the teacher in this way.
Technology is usually not a hindrance, unless you do not understand it. If you have a disadvantage with technology, however, it can hinder you. One of our group members did not have a laptop for the majority of the semester, because it was broken. We are expected to have the proper technology, such as laptops, and when these items break completing the project can become difficult.
Facebook was an essential part of our presentation, so we would not have had our final project without that aspect of technology.

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